

Getting to Unico Senso


Azienda Agricola Unico Senso
Via San Pietro Martire 17
63843 Montottone (FM), Italia

GPS coördinaten
43.05.13N 13.57.61O (decimal)
N43°03’04” O13°34’34” (degrees, minutes, seconds)

Getting there by car

Go to Google Maps for our position.

Via Switzerland, Gotthardtunnel, Milan, Bologna, Ancona, exit Porto San Giorgio, Grottazzolina, Montottone
Via Austria, Innsbruck, Brennerpass, Bolzano, Bologna, Ancona, exit Porto San Giorgio, Grottazzolina, Montottone

Distance Milan to Montottone: 500 km and about 5 hours bij car
Distance Innsbruck to Montottone: 700 km and about 7 hours by car

– avoid busy Saturdays during high season, with us you can book with an arrival and departure day of your choise!
– use possibly for the last part of the route Google Maps; Unico Senso is stated correctly
– please don’t leave the road SP61 earlier then near the chapel, see the photo below. Some navigation systems are suggesting another, but dangerous roads like
Via San Lorenzo.

Via San Pietro Martire

Getting there by plane & car rental

Airports and distances to Unico Senso
Ancona: 88 km, 1 hour and 15 minutes
Pescara: 126 km, 1 hour and 30 minutes
Bologna: 300 km, 3 hours by car
Rome Airport Fiumicino: 293 km, 3 hours en 20 minutes
Rome Airport Ciampino: 265 km, 3 hours by car

Direct flights, some suggestions:
Ryanair, from Dusseldorf Weeze and Brussels to Ancona and Pescara
Ryanair, from London Stansted to Ancona and Bologna
Easyjet, from London to Rome and Bologna
Lufthansa, from Munich to Ancona, Bologna and Rome
Lufthansa, from Frankfurt to Bologna

Rent a car
At the airports mentioned there is a wide range of car rental companies. Or book via a car rental broker like Sunny Cars.

Tip: take a navigation system or book it at the car rental. Google Maps works very well in our region.